Less than 5% of 1 million Deaf children in Pakistan have access to education. Even those who enrol for schooling drop out in early stages due to inability to cope with the learning environment. The major problem with deaf children is not lack of hearing but lack of understanding, majority of deaf children born to hearing parents, who generally are not aware how to deal with deafness, on top of that if the deaf child born in the poverty-stricken family then there is little to no hope for any social attachments. AL Mudassar education school supporting the emotional, social and educational needs of deaf children, where children special needs are professionally taking care off, we offer parents counselling sessions for their better understanding and empower deaf children with education to become a valuable member of society instead of depended and victim of society.


100% Free education and boarding facility for male and female students
Pick and drop service for non-residence students
State of the art student lab
15 custom-built classrooms from Kindergarten to 12th Class Library
Multimedia room
Fully equipped IT lab
Lego workshop
Audiology Laboratory
Multipurpose hall
Residential facility for faculty and staff
Facilities management rooms/security guard rooms
Landscaped gardens
Lush lawns and fully developed gardens for children Zoo Artificial lake Multiple play areas/fields
In-house clinic

Al Mudassar Trust provides free of charge education and boarding facilities however this noble cause needs continuous financial support and you can donate in many ways.


£600 per year/ £50 per month
Sponsor a special child’s education and care in boarding school

£360 per year/ £30 per month
Sponsor a special child education

General donation
Non sponsored children


The schools is seeking people to bring skills into its developing structure. Perhaps you are a teacher, a medical specialist or a person with skills in supporting families. We are looking in particular for experienced people who can work directly with children and families, people who can train our local staff, and people who can fulfil both roles. You will have accommodation at the school and we believe you will cherish the experience for the rest of your life.

To offer a safe and supportive environment within which these special children can develop their full potential, leading to healthy and independent lives within society. To maintain a positive school culture where children are motivated and challenged by high expectations, and where success is constantly celebrated. To be widely recognized as a specialist school of excellence. To develop a curriculum that meets the special needs of its pupils with particular emphasis on communication, social skills and skills for daily living. To prepare pupils for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of adult life. To meet each pupil’s unique needs by providing innovative and flexible services in collaboration with partner agencies. To provide in house medical facilities as no such facilities exist for special children in the area.